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Strengthening Families

This section of the website contains some of the requirements needed to become a Better Beginnings provider. We also have other useful information for child care providers interested in becoming a Better Beginnings provider.

Strengthening Families™ is a research-informed approach to increase family strengths, enhance child development and reduce the likelihood of child abuse and neglect. It is based on engaging families, programs and communities in building five protective factors:

  • Parental resilience
  • Social connections
  • Knowledge of parenting and child development
  • Concrete support in times of need
  • Social and emotional competence of children

Using the Strengthening Families framework helps programs working with children and families focus on protective factors.

Goals for using the Strengthening Families approach:

  • Understand risk factors for children and families
  • Increase awareness of the Strengthening Families approach and how it can benefit your program
  • Become familiar with the protective factors and strategies utilized by Strengthening Families
  • Complete the Strengthening Families self-assessment
  • Determine strategies that your program can utilize to best assist families