Find quality-rated child care

Child watches with delight as father blows bubbles in an open green field

Parents & Families

Out-of-School Time Three-Star Requirements

At Level 3, the facility continues to build quality through self-assessment, maintain samples of the child/youth’s activities, participating in program reviews, and sharing information with families.

The administrator

  • Completes a self-assessment of the program’s support for families
  • Tries new ideas to strengthen partnerships with families

Teaching staff maintain a portfolio for each participant

  • A portfolio often includes samples of the child/youth’s work, photographs and staff notes about activities

The facility

  • Shares information with families about nutrition and physical activity with families
  • Meets or exceeds a required score on a rating of the quality of administrative procedures
  • Meets or exceeds a required score on a rating of the quality of the program’s environment and activities