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Child watches with delight as father blows bubbles in an open green field

Parents & Families

Let’s Make Music – Music is Math

Box Guitar
Step 1: Decorate a shoe or tissue box. 
Step 2: Cut a 3-4 inch square or circle hole in side.
Step 3: Wrap 4-6 rubber bands around the box over the hole.
Step 4: Insert a pencil at each end of the hole under the rubber bands. (They make it sound better.)
Step 5: Strum away!
TP Tube Kazoo
Step 1: Decorate a toilet paper tube.
Step 2: Cut a piece of wax paper about an inch larger than the bottom of the tube.
Step 3: Cover one end of the tube with the wax paper and secure it with a rubber band.
Step 4: Blow through the open end and start up the kazoo marching band!
Tube Rain Stick 
Step 1: Decorate a wrapping paper or paper towel tube.
Step 2: Cut a piece of aluminum foil the length of the tube.
Step 3: Squeeze the foil to make a long snake.
Step 4: Cut the tip off of two balloons. 
Step 5: Stretch one balloon to cover one end of the tube and secure it with a rubber band.
Step 6: Insert the foil snake. Pour rice or small dried foods into the tube.
Step 7: Use the second balloon to close the other end.
Step 8: Slowly rotate from one end to the other to make a magical rain sound.
Favorite decorating papers
Stickers (optional)
Scissors  (may need adult help)
Shoe or tissue box 
Rubber bands Toilet paper tube
Wax paper
Wrapping paper or paper towel tube
Aluminum foil
Dry foods: peas, beans, rice or popcorn
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