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Child watches with delight as father blows bubbles in an open green field

Parents & Families

Summer Child Care Checklist

Parents have many things to consider when choosing summer child care. Use this checklist as a guide to decide what quality child care program is best for you and your child.
(   )  Do the program’s activities address my child’s interests and abilities?
Your child should have a variety of activities to choose from. Choose a program that interests your child. Keep your child growing mentally and physically all summer long.
(   )  Is the program licensed, accredited or star rated?
Choose a licensed, accredited or star rated program. Check out the program’s health and safety practices. Make sure that your child will stay safe all summer long.
(   )  Who will be working with my child? 
Ask about staff experience and education. Are they qualified in child development or recreation? Do they have experience in serving children with special needs? What about CPR/First Aid? What other certifications might apply to the program’s activities?
(   )  What is the ratio of staff to children/youth?
Arkansas’ staff-to-child ratio for school-age children in a licensed program is 1-to-18. Higher risk activities, like swimming, may require more staff.
If you need help paying for child care, contact 1-800-322-8176 to find out if you qualify.
View/Download the PDF version here. (Right click and chose “Save Link As” to download)
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