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Child watches with delight as father blows bubbles in an open green field

Parents & Families

Tips for Saying Goodbye at Child Care

Be confident. 
Choose your child care provider with care. Establish trust in your provider and you will be able to leave your child knowing all will be well.
Be up front. 
Talk to your child about going to child care. Let him know you will be gone while he is there. No surprises!
Be cheerful. 
Children pick up on your mood. Try not to act rushed or stressed.
Be routine. 
Start your child’s day at child care by greeting your care provider together. Your child will feel better knowing another adult is watching out for him.
Be reassuring. 
Give lots of love and affection. Explain to your child when you will be back. Use terms he knows, like “after last snack time.”
Be quick. 
Short and sweet is the best way. Make sure he has the attention of your child care provider. Give more hugs and say bye bye.
Be strong. 
Going back to your child after you have said goodbye only makes the process last longer.
Be timely. 
Return when you said you would.
Be engaging. 
Talk your child about his day. Ask about all the fun things that happened.
Be consistent. 
Make going to child care at the same time every day part of your family routine.
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