Find quality-rated child care

Children playing together in quality child care environment


The following toolkit components will help you gather and structure necessary information and document your program’s progress throughout the certification process and beyond.

Application Process



  1. Program Administration Scale (PAS) assessment (child care centers)
    1. YPQI Organization Quality Assessment/Form-B
    2. OR PAS Reviews and PAS Porfolios
  2. Strengthening Families

Staff Qualifications and Professional Development

  1. Introduction to the 40 Developmental Assets training
  2. Youth Program Quality Intervention (YPQI) training or School Age Environment Rating Scale (SACERS) training
  3. Nutrition for children
  4. Developmentally appropriate physical activity

Learning Environment and Environmental Assessment

Child Health and Development

Technical Assistance is available to all child care provider in Arkansas. Complete a TA request form and email to [email protected].